Here is an activity from the AGREE “Stars Shine Brightly” collection, developed especially for preschoolers! Complete with storytelling, an art project, an original AGREE song and fun movement. Discussion questions are also provided to help you teach the Golden Rule. Learn how Mouse, though very, very small, could help Lion after all!
Tag: stars shine brightly
Nuwadohhiyadu(Peace)- Lyrics
(Flute music with steady beat, cue to share)
Young child: I have learned to be wise. Those who come may be disguised.
All: Those who come may be disguised.
All: Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah Nuh wah. Nu wah doe he yaw duh. Nu wah.
Nuh wah.
Medicine Woman: I’ve heard cries of loneliness. So each day I choose to bless.
All: I will walk the peaceful way.
All: Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah. Nuh wah. Nu wah doe hey yaw duh. Nu wah,
Nuh wah.
Spirited Warrior: Like the warrior I must go, for my people and my soul.
All: For my people and my soul.
All: Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah. Nuh wah. Nu wah doe hey yaw duh. Nu wah,
Nuh wah.
Trail Walker: Though I’ve known some bitter days, I will walk the peaceful way.
All: I will walk the peaceful way.
Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah. Nuh wah. Nu wah doe hey yaw duh. Nu wah, Nuh
Wise Anasazi: Because I’ve had to live through pain,… lean into joy don’t be afraid.
All: Lean into joy, don’t be afraid.
Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah. Nuh wah. Nu wah doe hey yaw duh. Nu wah, Nuh
Nuh wah doe he yaw duh. Nuh wah. Nuh wah. Nu wah doe hey yaw duh. Nu wah, Nuh wah.
There Must Be Another Way – Lyrics
7th Grade (RUSSIA)
Father, Father, where are we to go today?
Father, Papi’s sick, we’ll he see another day?
Child, Child, Quiet now go get the sleigh.
Child, times are hard and always there’s a price to pay.
Times get hard and always there is a price to pay.
But when it comes to people, there must be another way.
Child, Child, we’ll leave our Papi here to stay.
Child, he’s gotten old and there is not another way.
Father, Father, then also we must bring the sleigh.
Father, remember this, we’ll do the same to you someday.
Times get hard and always there is a price to pay.
But when it comes to people, there must be another way.
Papi, Papi, there isn’t any food today.
Papi, I love you so, have you something you’d like to say?
Child, child listen to what I have to say.
Plant this rye, the seeds will grow, our family will live this way.
Times get hard and always there is a price to pay.
But when it comes to people, there must be another way.
Times get hard and always there is a price to pay.
But when it comes to people, there must be another way.
Times get hard and always there is a price to pay.
But when it comes to people, there must be ano….ther……way!
Tran Tran Tre-Otra! – Lyrics
6th Grade (SPAIN)
(Flamenco guitar 4 compas)
(una llamada 1 compas)
Le belleza eterna
del corazon
Siente en alma
Como el sol brilla eterna
La belleza del corazon
Como el sol brilla eterna
La belleza del corazon
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
(Flamenco guitar 4 compas)
En el mundo material
podemos ver la belleza
la belleza externa
la belleza eterna
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
Hasta el mundo ver
Tran tran treo
Treo tre-otra
Tran tran tre-otra
Tran tran treo
treo tre- otra
Tran tran tran treole!
Lyrics with Translation:
La belleza eterna del corazon – The eternal beauty of the heart
siente en alma – is felt in the soul.
Como el sol brilla eterna – like the brillance of the sun.
La belleza del corazon – the beauty of the heart
Como el sol brilla eterna -like the brillance of the sun
La belleza del corazon – the beauty of the heart
Hasta el mundo ver – until the world sees
En el mundo material – In the material world
podemos ver la belleza – we can see beauty
la belleza externa – external beauty
desvanacera – will disappear
la belleza externa – external beauty
desvanacera – will disappear
Hasta el mundo ver – Until the world sees
Tran tran Tre-otra! – Tran tran tran tre “another”!
We Are All One World – Lyrics
5th Grade (CHINA)
We are all one world
Every boy and girl can give
We all play a part
We are…
Young……But our voices matter
Here……living close together
Now…..the choice is in us
We will lift each other
Young……But our voices matter
Here……living close together
Now…..the choice is in us
We will lift each other
Here and now
Here and now
Hep hey Hep hey long way
Here and now
Here and now
We are all one world
(Repeat song)
Here and now
Here and now
Hep hey Hep hey long way
Here and now
Here and now
We are all… world.
That’s My Belief – Lyrics
4th Grade (AFRICA)
Hey uh huh Hey uh Hey uh hey (Repeat x4)
Give and I’ll give back to you
I give; you may give back to me too
But no matter how you choose to be
I will be happy, cuz…
We’ve got sun shining on our faces
We’ve got beauty and open spaces
Mother earth she holds us up
No matter what
I may not talk loud in the crowd
You may come round to bring me down
But no matter how you choose to be
I will be happy, cuz…
We’ve got sun shining on our faces
We’ve got beauty and open spaces
Mother earth she holds us up
No matter what
And everyday when I walk these places
I can see me in all your faces
Happiness begins in me
And that’s my belief
Give and I’ll give back to you
You give I may give back to you too
No matter how you choose to be
I will be happy
I may not talk loud in the crowd
You may come round to bring me down
But no matter how you choose to be
I will be happy
Solo: Cuz we’ve got sun shining on our faces! –> Choral repeat
Solo: We’ve got beauty and open spaces. –> Choral repeat
Solo: Happiness begins in me. –> In me! In me! In me! In WE!….Cuz,
We’ve got sun shining on our faces
We’ve got beauty and open spaces
Mother earth she holds us up
No matter what
And everyday when I walk these places
I can see me in all your faces
Happiness begins in me
And that’s my belief
Hey uh huh Hey uh Hey uh hey (Repeat x4) Hey uh hey!
And that’s my belief
How do ya Call yer ole Best Buddy? – Lyrics
3rd Grade (Appalachian/Smokey Mountains Bluegrass theme)
Soloist: How do ya call yer ole best buddy?
How do ya call yer ole best pal?
Are ya aware that it ain’t funny,
to leave ‘em alone when times get bad.
Soloist: When they’re a-hurtin’ do ya kick ‘em?
All: No!
Soloist: When they’re a-frightened do ya leave ‘em there?
All: No!
Soloist: When they’re a cry-in do ya tease ‘em?
All: No!
Soloist: What about when a wolf is there?
All: (pause)
(Instrumental interlude)
All: How do ya call yer ole best buddy?
How do ya call yer ole best pal?
Are ya aware that it ain’t funny,
to leave ‘em alone when times get bad.
Group 1: When they’re a-hurtin’ do ya kick ‘em?
Group 2: No!
Group 1: When they’re a-frightened do ya leave ‘em there?
Group 2: No!
Group 1: When they’re a cry-in do ya tease ‘em?
Group 2: No!
Group 1: What about when a wolf is there?
Group 2: (pause)
(Instrumental interlude)
(Instrumental play through whole song)
Soloist: How do ya call yer ole best buddy?
How do ya call yer ole best pal?
Are ya aware that it ain’t funny,
to leave ‘em alone when times get bad.
Soloist: When they’re a-hurtin’ do ya help ‘em?
All: Yes!
Soloist: When they’re a frightened do ya stay real near?
All: Yes!
Soloist: When they’re a cry-in do ya hug ‘em?
All: Yes!
Soloist: What about when a wolf is there?
All: (pause)….(laughter)
Get Up and Put ‘em Pebbles in! – Lyrics
2nd Grade (ARIZONA)
Narrator: Tired and hungry with no place to go, Raven was thirsty and feeling quite low.
Raven: If only I found me a parcel of water, a drip or a drop or a sop, that would do.
Narrator: So Raven went searching and found her a jug. She saw in there water but couldn’t get to.
Raven: The waters too low, my beak aint that long. The water must rise…
Narrator: She knew what to do…
Raven: Get up and put ‘em pebbles in critters large and small! Working together we all win, the water rising tall. Get up and put /em pebbles in critters large and small. My word is my honor, we’ll all win!
Get up, get up, get up, put ‘em pebbles in.
Narrator: Nearby those critters were parched through and through. They wanted some water like Raven did too. Trusting her word, out they came just like that, and together they sang an arid desert Rap.
Critters: We got your back! We got your back! We’re here to help you, we got your back. We got your back! (We got your back!) We got your back! (We got your back!) We want some water too. We got, we got , we got….we got your back.
(Sounds of pebbles and animals, lively instruments)
(Repeat chorus, sing with rap over it 2-3x)
SPLASH. Hooray! (drinking/burping)
Listen Closely – Lyrics
1st Grade (INDIA)
Listen closely
I can help you
Hunter coming
He will catch you
Work together
Stronger, wiser
Listen closely
Or be dinner
Listen closely
Time is keeping
Your behavior
Must be careful
Work together
Stronger wiser
Listen closely
Or be dinner
Listen closely
Help Me! I’m Stuck – Lyrics
Kindergarten (MEXICO)
Conejo(C): Buenos Dias Seniora Rattlesnake!
Rattlesnake(RS): Buenos Dias Senior Conejo.
C: Why do you carry a rock on your back?
RS: It fell and now I am stuck.
Chorus: Help Me! Help Me! Somebody help me! Help me! Help me!
RS: I’ll give you a s-s-swell reward.
RS: Muchas gracias mi amigo.
C: De nada Senior rattlesnake! What kind reward do you have to give me?
RS: Hmmm, eat you, a swell reward!
C: AH!
Chorus: Help me! Help me! Somebody help me! Help me! Help me!
C: Um,…I don’t like my reward.
Coyote (CT): Hola mis amigos!
R and RS: Hola Senior Coyote! (strangled sounding)
CT: What has been happening? Why do you fight?
RS: I was resting…
C: I helped him from…
Both: Under a rock.
CT: It appears to me you agree on one thing, one fact remains the same. Senior
Rattlesnake was under a rock you see, so a under a rock Senior
should be.
Chorus: Help me! Help me! Somebody help me! Help me! Help me!
RS: Somebody? Anybody!? Ah shucks….I’m stuck.
All: Wah wah wah wah