November 2020
Meet Neil Pandey, the Golden Rule Student of the Month for December! Neil developed face masks with a clear panel so they can assist the deaf or hard of hearing with lip-reading during the pandemic. It’s no wonder Neil is the Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations, Neil!
December 2019
Pat McMahon speaks with Angela Quintero, December’s Golden Rule Student of the Month on today’s Daily Mix. Angela is a high school student at Poston Butte High School in the Florence School District. From Student Council, to blogging on important issues to increasing awareness on suicide prevention and mental health issues, Angela always seeks to treat others with the highest respect. It’s no wonder that she is the Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations, Angela!
November 2019
Ali Muhammed Lonergan Geer attends Central High School and is always working hard to make a positive contribution. He volunteers his time to homeless shelters, is a lifeguard, and helps bring understanding to people of different religions in his community.
That’s why he’s November’s Student Of The Month!!!
October 2019
Kylie Hunts-In-Winter is a very active teen girl. She started martial arts training at the age of 3 and currently holds national and world titles in martial arts. She attends Arizona Connections Academy and is also taking Criminal Justice classes at East Valley Institute of Technology. On top of school and training, she also loves teaching martial arts to kids. Kylie said martial arts takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but like the Golden Rule, it is about how you treat other people and how you present yourself to them. Treat others with respect and honor. Kylie was even featured in the National Bestselling book “Strong is the New Pretty” by Kate T. Parker! It’s no wonder Kylie is the Golden Rule Student of the month for October! Congratulations, Kylie!!!
September 2019
This month there are two Golden Rule Students of the Month! Camille Guerrero and Emily Cardullo have made art to raise awareness about the Golden Rule. They know that living the Golden Rule makes people happier and more willing to do things for other people. It’s no wonder they are the Golden Rule Students of the month! Congratulations, Camille and Emily!!
Meet ten year old Sofia Stanny. She is a busy young lady who plays guitar, loves to ski, and enjoys karate. She lives the Golden Rule and believes that kids should volunteer to do nice things for the older residents of their communities. Sofia has volunteered at senior communities where she loves to sing, read books, and share family stories with the residents. As she puts the Golden Rule into action, It’s no wonder that Sofia is August’s Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations!
How often do we overlook the small things in life? Sisters Austin and Cori Borgstadt tell us about how their attention to the little things makes a big difference both to them and their community. Thank you, Austin & Cori for reminding us to slow down and see the simple things we can all do to live the Golden Rule. It’s no wonder these sisters are July’s Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations!
How often do people rise to the occasion when a life needs saved? Sixth grader Kaden Brimhall did just that, and took action when needed. While at a birthday party, one of his sister’s friends drowned in the hotel pool. He saw that she was face down in the pool and swam to her to check for responsiveness. When she didn’t respond, he swam to the edge off the pool, carrying her with him. Kaden then alerted adults who performed CPR and the girl was saved. It’s no wonder that Kaden is June’s Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations!
May 2019
It is an honor to become the Golden Rule Student of the Month once in your life. Meet Savannah LaFon who is being honored this month for the second time! Savannah started the nonprofit Savannah’s Closet in her hometown of Bagdad, Arizona . She loans out dresses to girls that can’t afford them for events such as Prom and school dances. She stays very busy, having recently participated in Miss Yavapai County’s Outstanding Teen Pageant and also continually brings in new dresses for the her nonprofit. Savannah and her mother even run the Food Bank in Bagdad, bringing in food through food drives in the community. It’s no wonder that Savannah is the Golden Rule Student of the month for the second time! We are doubly proud of her!
April 2019
Isn’t it great when a seven-year-old and nine-year-old decide to help others? Brothers Navin and Nikhil Pandey got to speak to Pat McMahon on today’s Daily Mix. They did something positive to make a difference by selling oranges, and then donating all of the profits to Feed My Staving Children. They also have helped with hurricane relief in Houston, Texas as well as donating to a school in India that educates disadvantaged youths. It’s no wonder these brothers are the Golden Rule Student of the month! Congratulations, Navin and Nikhil!!
March 2019
Congratulations to Ameer Shahid, whose Golden Rule character supported a team member on his Arrowhead Warriors Lacrosse team who had many health challenges. Ameer shares with Pat McMahon how kindness and empathy won out on Ameer’s team so this student could still participate in their Lacrosse practices. Now a student at the University of Oklahoma, Ameer is majoring in Sports Management. He loves sports, volunteer work, and is currently serving as a Headington College ambassador, which allows him to live out the Golden Rule on a daily basis by assisting new students transition into college life easier.
February 2019
What joy to meet a 7th grade student who is spreading kindness around her school! Aniston Rusch got to speak to Pat McMahon on today’s Daily Mix. Her caring heart empathizes with those who have special needs and are being treated badly. And she is doing something positive about it to make a difference: “The Kindness Club,” at Explorer Middle School. They throw random acts of kindness around the school to remind people to be kind to others, and do scavenger hunts, posters, school announcements to advertise their group. It’s no wonder she’s this month’s Golden Rule Student! Congratulations, Ani!!
January 2019
Congratulations to Aracelli Geer, the January Golden Rule Student! She’s been busy living everywhere – at home, in the neighborhood, at school, with her mom at public events and meetings. In her words, “Everyone in my neighborhood is different but we still all play together and we show diversity. This is a way to show the golden rule.”
December 2018
He was born January 24, 2002 in Phoenix Arizona, to Zuhdi and Gada Jasser but was raised in Scottsdale Arizona. He have two other siblings, one 14-year-old sister and one 10-year-old brother. Zach attended a private school up until 3rd grade where he then briefly attended a public school. From 5th grade up to the present, he has attended BASIS Scottsdale. Throughout his life he has enjoyed sports, but basketball has been the favorite to play. Zach’s been playing since the 3rd grade, and now is on his high school’s varsity team. He also has been on the school track team for the past 2 years, and generally enjoys any psychical activity when given the chance. He has always had a passion for computers and built his own in middle school. At school Zach takes on many extracurricular activities including, the National Honors Society, the Spanish National Honors Society, and the Red Cross club.
November 2018
Gilbert, Arizona’s Keira Hearn is an all-around kind young lady to everyone she meets. She is sincere and respectful at all times. However, there was one instance where she stepped up and went beyond the call of duty to be kind to a classmate who has certain sensory needs and perseverations. This student has an intense fear of fire drills, and the noise of the alarm causes her great distress. As a result, this student is always warned ahead of time that there will be a fire drill so that she can be out of the building before the alarm goes off. On this day, however, there was a miscommunication in the office that prevented this student from receiving her warning. Everyone was quietly working in class when the alarm sounded, and they all knew to immediately check on this student. Her teacher needed to ensure every student exited safely, and so Keira took it upon herself to escort this scared student out of the building safely and calmly.
October 2018
At only 10 years old, Roman Vargas of Sunnyslope School spends his free time feeding the hungry, participating in the walk for down syndrome, walks his younger sister to and from school everyday, advocates for anti-bullying and so much more. His sweet disposition and genuine regard for others is why he is October’s Golden Rule Student of the Month. Congratulations, Roman! For more information and other beautiful stories, watch Arizona Daily Mix!
We are always proud to tell you about the Golden Rule Student of the Month, but this time, a heartwarming story of victory, love, kindness, and growth come along with it. Bikonzi Moise of Grand Canyon University shares the incredible story of his life, while Anne Taylor from AGREE shares about the inspiring work Bikonzi is doing in the lives of children in need. For more information and other beautiful stories, watch Arizona Daily Mix!
July 2018
Svannah LaFon is this month’s Golden Rule Student of The Month! This 15 year old, Bagdad High School standout, started “Savannah’s Closet” just over 3 years ago to loan clothes, at no charge, to women of all ages who need a dress or outfit for proms, homecomings, and special events.
June 2018
His name is Porter Abplanalp, and we are so excited to showcase him as the Golden Rule Student of the Month! Porter is a smart and caring young man, whose life is a perfect example of treating others as he would want to be treated. Pat McMahon speaks with him and learns all about the ways in which Porter blesses those around him, from his siblings to his mother to the people at his school. Don’t miss all the details on Arizona Daily Mix!
May 2018
Hailing from Carol Rae Ranch Elementary in Gilbert, he’s not a sergeant, he’s not a lieutenant: he’s Major Turley, the best kid on the block! He’s been nominated as the Golden Rule Student of the Month, and Pat McMahon learns all about how Major uses the Golden Rule in his every day life. Prepare to be encouraged and inspired on this Arizona Daily Mix!
April 2018
From three year olds to thirteen year olds, from kindergartners to seniors, the Golden Rule is alive and well in the students of Arizona. To celebrate those who show the most proficiency in this blessed skill, the good folks at AGREE and Bashas are awarding certain students with the Golden Rule Student of the Month Award! Pat McMahon is excited to introduce us to Grant Williams and Nivea Krishnan, the two Students of the Month who are standing out by treating others as they would be treated. Don’t miss Arizona Daily Mix, where we bring stories to cheer and encourage you every day!
March 2018
AZTV is so excited to introduce you to the Golden Rule Students of the month! Karly Grenada and Nadine Ponce de Leon from Tucson, and we couldn’t be prouder. These wonderful children have shown an exceptional understanding of the Golden Rule, treating others the way they would like to be treated. Because of their kindness to others and outstanding performance in the classroom, they are receiving the prestigious Golden Rule Award from Arizona Daily Mix, and the generous folks at Bashas and AGREE! Don’t miss all the great details brought to you by Pat McMahon.